Not much "lecture" material. Have already done the reading.
Homework 1, Exercises 1.6-1.8 and Written Exercises 1.12-1.15.
30 mins Weds (kid had no camp) -- did some paper-shuffling
1 hour Thurs -- did 1.6 and 1.12-1.15.
Another 30 mins Thurs -- did 1.7. Hey, that was almost a real program! A step into Making rather than just studying!
Another 30 mins Thurs -- I'm out of time, gotta pick kid up from camp. But I finished! (Not counting the optional extra exercises.) And I wrote four little programs, and had fun doing the Making! (I've been a little worried about what might happen the day I finally actually put my hands to the clay rather than just reading about it...)