Monday, December 19, 2016

Hour of Code 2016

Truly uninspired logo
I was inspired to start this learn-to-code project in response to the 2013 Hour of Code.
Three years later:

My daughter has entered a STEM-themed middle school where takes an excellent Python class twice a week, and loves it. She looks forward to working at Google some day.

Her father has finally moved out of the house, making new things possible for me.
This one was better

I am in the final projects stage of Free Code Camp's Front End Web Development Certificate, begun in summer 2015, after a year and a half of initial searching, experimenting, wandering. My blog post then saw a depressing estimate of three or four years to finish this "boot camp"-- if I could manage ten hours a week-- which I knew I could not. It's now 1.5 years later, and surprisingly, I am still at it; still at less than 10 hrs/week. My life has changed. Not yet enough; but it hasn't been 3-4 years yet either :)

2013 video featuring President Obama