Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Hour of Code - one year later

Hour of Code approacheth. One year later.

What has changed in one year?

I have completed introductory classes in: HTML/CSS/Javascript; Python (several); Unity Game Engine (63% as of today). I am itching to be done with the Unity course so I can tackle the Michael Hartl Ruby on Rails one.

Object Oriented Programming concepts are no longer totally alien.

I have moved from feeling proud of myself for sticking a toe in the water, to feeling very impatient and frustrated that I still don't really know how to just jump in and swim.

I have joined a lot of new email lists and have a different set of voices flowing across my screen: O'Reilly, Gamasutra, Women Who Code. I got my Hour of Code reminders from GeekMom this year. I learned about new holidays, like Ada Lovelace Day.

I thought about organizing an Hour of Code event at the kid's computer club place this year-- but did not.