Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Completed: FCCamp "Build a Wikipedia Viewer"

Done!!! Well, maybe that's a slight exaggeration: the "finished" app is not very beautiful. BUT IT WORKS. And the assignment was to re-create the "functionality", not the pretty design.

After fours months of frustration -- partly due to technical problems, partly due to my outside life preventing me getting any coding hours -- it's a bit of a shock to sit down and just finish it! Clickity click! As if this FreeCodeCamp this was just a normal class/job and not a Nemesis!

I do have good hope that the "outside life" problem that was solved during the past four months is a true change, and now I will be able to make much more progress...

Next FCCamp task: another API exercise, this time for (something I am not a user of.)