Monday, July 11, 2016

Coding Journey overview: beginning third summer session...

Year Zero

May 2013: My kid wins a prize, and we visit Google campus. The vibe is attractive. Lots of happy grown-up gifted kids.

October 2013: Hour of Code. Cheerleading YouTube videos featuring president Obama etc. Somehow I take the message seriously.

Year One

July 2014: While kid is busy in summer program (twelve half days), I complete an introduction to programming in python on MIT Open Courseware. (The EdX version did not yet exist.)

Year Two

May 2015: Started FreeCodeCamp.

Fall 2015: "Blank Semester Here." Social and family structures, unhappy with my increasing mental independence, go into extreme fight back mode.

Spring 2016: Back in the saddle. Somewhat. But a new hurdle: transitioning from "Beginner" to "Low Intermediate", and FreeCodeCamp suddenly much less helpful. "Build a Wikipedia Viewer" project becomes a mental and emotional roadblock. (Also, to build "intermediate" projects I really to put in some solid hours, and my schedule has not allowed. However, the gradual cleaning up of the Fall 2015 mess may be leaving some new open spaces.)

Year Three

Summer 2016: The "12 half days" of kid-in-camp begins today. What will I be able to get done this year?