Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Back to nonsequitor of npm tutorial

If a person has no idea what node.js is and has never used it, then why...? Because you will understand later, honey. Try this cartoon:
  • You can view this Node School module's source code on GitHub at
  • Complete "Install npm"
  • Complete "Dev Environment"
  • Complete "Login"
  • Complete "Start A Project"
  • Complete "Install A Module"
  • Complete "Listing Dependencies"
  • Complete "npm Test"
  • Complete "Package Niceties"
  • Complete "Publish"
  • Complete "Version"
  • Complete "Publish Again"
  • Complete "Dist Tag"
  • Complete "Dist Tag Removal"
  • Complete "Outdated"
  • Complete "Update"
  • Complete "Rm"
  • Complete "Finale"