Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Back to nonsequitor of npm tutorial

If a person has no idea what node.js is and has never used it, then why...? Because you will understand later, honey. Try this cartoon:
  • You can view this Node School module's source code on GitHub at
  • Complete "Install npm"
  • Complete "Dev Environment"
  • Complete "Login"
  • Complete "Start A Project"
  • Complete "Install A Module"
  • Complete "Listing Dependencies"
  • Complete "npm Test"
  • Complete "Package Niceties"
  • Complete "Publish"
  • Complete "Version"
  • Complete "Publish Again"
  • Complete "Dist Tag"
  • Complete "Dist Tag Removal"
  • Complete "Outdated"
  • Complete "Update"
  • Complete "Rm"
  • Complete "Finale"

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

More affection for GitHub

Okay, just finished the Hello World tutorial on GitHub Guide. That was WAY nicer than previous Git tutorials. Almost a little Filemaker-ish ;)

Should I just continue my little GitHub obsession? (Rather than tackling FreeCodeCamp's next lesson, which is about Node.js...)
To learn more about the power of Pull Requests, we recommend reading the GitHub Flow Guide. You might also visit GitHub Explore and get involved in an Open Source project :octocat:
Tip: Check out our other GuidesYouTube Channel and On-Demand Training for more on how to get started with GitHub.

One month later

Why has it been a month already??? Partly because my family issue is STILL not resolved, ugh. Partly because I've been thinking about attempting a Filemaker Pro gig a friend might be able to offer me. Actually I kind of love Filemaker Pro, and also the Missing Manual book about Filemaker Pro.

I also spent a bit of time on . Not super impressed, but somehow I crave these Git tutorials.

Also looked at Glitch, which I heard about on a podcast. Interesting, but still, sadly, over my head. Will I ever get that basic level??