Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Github love attack

Decided to continue with Git today. Started by entering the same "Git-It" tutorial, this time in the updated (desktop) edition. Just wanting to wander around and gain familiarity. Stumbled into this video-- which somehow reduced me to tears. This is what I want. (Or maybe I'm just kinda emotional this week.)

The tutorial suggests I install GitHub Desktop and also the Atom text editor. Okay. I like the vibe of this jlord guy, will try his suggestions... Hey wait jlord is a gal! Yay! And she's made more great guides too! Love.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Distraction: Filemaker Pro

Something a friend posted to Facebook reminded me how much I weirdly really, really loved building a Filemaker Pro relational database back in 2002... Maybe I should ditch FCCamp and devote my life to Filemaker!

FCCamp: Finished "Git-It"

Finished "Git-It" lesson series on how to use GitHub.

That made my inner child feel like a "real" programmer, or at least that I was using a "real" computer-- a command line terminal. Also Git, which every "real" programmer knows how to use automatically, like a keyboard or mouse.

I feel far from automatic and I want to get a better grip on this. It's a mental/emotional roadblock/milestone for me. GitHub. Octocat. Leaping from my childhood programs in BASIC and LOGO to the modern world of complex collaborations. Not being afraid of making edits. Getting it.

FCCamp wants me to do a NPM tutorial next. Which seems a little odd because I don't really even know what Node is yet.

Maybe I will do some more Git tutorials first, just to massage my mental issue.

Aaand btw it's actually eight weeks later, because I had flu for two weeks :(