Friday, January 20, 2017

another job description

Yesterday my congregation president talked about finding a way to hire me. Today my regional office sent out this new job description. I'm taking it as a good omen.

Dear Congregational Leaders,

"We're not sure what we're supposed to be doing on Facebook, but we know we're supposed to be there. How are others handling social media?"

"We're struggling to get people our information even though we seem to be distributing it in more ways than ever before. What do we do?"

"We want to add live video streaming to our services. What do we need to know from a technology standpoint to make it work?"

These are all questions that staff throughout the Region have gotten before. From large congregations looking at developing their own mobile apps to small congregations looking to livestream for their house-bound members, everyone is considering ways in which technology and communications are impacting the way their congregation functions. And for many of our congregations it's not an area of strength or confidence, and so many have simply let it go or have asked for more support.

We're responding to that request for more help by offering specific support to congregations who want to do more with technology. A recent addition to our staff will be taking the lead on congregational support related to technology or communications.

Some will know her as the developer of the new WordPress theme for our websites, which is being used by more than a hundred congregations across the continent. She's also developed data management systems in congregations, built crowdfunding donation systems and led several congregations through branding and communications exercises. She has spent the last fifteen years working with nonprofits and community organizations on technology implementation and campaign communications, and so brings both a deep knowledge of technology and a close engagement with our communities.

We want our congregations to have an informed look at technology as resources get tighter or needs increase, to see how it can help the congregation's operations run more efficiently. We want to look at the ways in which communications technology can help us spread our message and invite people into our communities. And we want to be intentional about engaging new trends in technology that newcomers demand without leaving our existing folks behind.

When should you contact her? If you're working on an issue or situation in congregational life that involves technology, reach out. This might include streamlining information management, building communications plans, or evaluating Requests for Proposals you've gotten for a new branding project. It might have to do with how you want to handle social media, developing a better eNewsletter or leading an evaluation of your website. The best way to reach her is via email but you can also find her on Facebook and Twitter if those are your preference.