Friday, June 26, 2015

Progress Bars

Free Code Camp: Finished sections 1-6. Passing a milestone: Moving from "Waypoints" intro section to "Bonfires" practice section. Section 6 included brief lessons on Chrome DevTools, Regex searches. Now, section 7, Javascript "Basic Algorithm Scripting", and pair programming using Screen Hero.
Other markers: Now at seven weeks post May 8 start date. Now at scorepoint 117 (out of about 218. I counted by hand. So 54%, if all the points were equal).

Non progressing (or nonlinearly progressing):
  • LinuxFoundationX: LFS101x.2 Introduction to Linux
  • Version Control with Git, 2nd Edition by Jon Loeliger & Matthew McCullough: p 130 of 416. (31%) 
  • Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby: An Agile Primer, by Sandi Metz. Read through chapter 6 of 9. 

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Free Code Camp week five

Finished the rather silly Stanford Online "CS101" class.
Freecodecamp then sent me back to Codecademy, bleah.
But I had already finished that course! Free jump ahead!
And escape from Codecademy again! Next task:
"Discover Chrome DevTools" at
Oo, I don't know any of that stuff. Finally something new and exciting!

I found a number at FCCamp that seems to be a score: "113". It ups my score when I complete a "Waypoint" or "Challenge" (for example, one for each week of the CS101 course.) It doesn't say how many there are total.

This is their plan. I'm on item #6 "Basic JavaScript" -- the "Discover Chrome DevTools" is step 9 of 10 in that section.

800 Hours of Practice:

  1. Get Set for Free Code Camp - done
  2. Basic HTML5 and CSS - done
  3. Responsive Design with Bootstrap - done
  4. jQuery - done
  5. Computer Science - done
  6. Basic JavaScript
  7. Basic Algorithm Scripting
  8. Object Oriented JavaScript
  9. Intermediate Algorithm Scripting
  10. Functional Programming
  11. Advanced Algorithm Scripting
  12. Front End Development Projects
  13. Full Stack JavaScript
  14. Full Stack JavaScript Projects

800 Hours of  Real World Work Experience:

  1. 100-hour Nonprofit Project
  2. 200-hour Nonprofit Project #1
  3. 200-hour Nonprofit Project #2
  4. 300-hour Nonprofit Project

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Free Code Camp update

  • Completed jQuery at Codecademy
  • Working through six-week "CS101" course at "Stanford Online Lagunita." ("Lagunita is Stanford's instance of the open-source software release of the Open edX platform, which was developed by the joint Harvard/MIT non-profit organization, and which Stanford engineers have been collaborating on since April 2013. Lagunita hosts many of the free, online courses that are taught by Stanford faculty and made available to lifelong learners around the world for self-enrichment. Lagunita also hosts a variety of professional education opportunities in conjunction with many of Stanford University's schools and departments."). Now working on Week 4 of 6. (June 11: finished week 6.)