Saturday, April 4, 2015


Well, as I continue my nonlinear explorations, I am looking at adding yet another unfinished Progress Bar to my record: LinuxFoundationX: LFS101x.2 Introduction to Linux.

I supposed I should also add the kid book I am reading in odd moments: Ruby Wizardry: An Introduction to Programming for Kids by Eric Weinstein. It's funner than Codecademy.

Progress bars:
Non progressing (or nonlinearly progressing) bars:
  • Version Control with Git, 2nd Edition by Jon Loeliger & Matthew McCullough: p 130 of 416. (31%)
  • Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby: An Agile Primer, by Sandi Metz. Read through chapter 6 of 9.
  • Michael Hartl's Ruby on Rails Tutorial: completed chapter 2 of 12.
  • Unity 4.x Game Development by Example Beginner's Guide, by Ryan Henson Creighton.:  69% complete. (No progress since Dec 13-- switched focus.)