Friday, October 24, 2014

Finished Codecademy "Javascript"

Finished the Codecademy Javascript course.

One month to finish "10 hour" course. Sigh. Hard to find the scraps of time.

Progress: having now finished yet another "intro to programming" course, I do feel like the initial "culture shock"/new job/steep learning curve pains of being flooded by new vocabulary and concepts is past. I still lack practice and experience, but I am now at least oriented. I have survived this far :)

I think my next project will be to play with the Unity game engine for a while, using Unity 4.x Game Development by Example Beginner's Guide by Ryan Henson Creighton. (I've now read 25% of the book on Kindle, but am still severely lacking in "getting my hands dirty" experience, due to lack of time available to actually sit at a machine and concentrate for longer than a few minutes at once.)