Friday, August 8, 2014

MIT Gentle Introduction, Session #10 of 11: "More Review"

A Gentle Introduction to Programming Using Python 
Instructor: Sarina Canelake 
MIT Course Number: 6.189 
As Taught In: January IAP 2011
"6.189 Final Project – Tetris! The format for the final project will be as follows: You will pick a partner and work on one computer together. Make sure that you email files to each other so you each have the code you work on! Sit next to each other in lab. There will be an LA assigned to your area who will keep track of your progress and walk you through more difficult sections of the code."
I spent 7.5 hours total (scattered over four days) on the "Final Project", and completed 9 out of the 11 steps. I could not get Step 10 to work, but after a great deal of careful tracing, decided that the troubleshooting needs seemed to lie in tkinter and the supplied graphics module, not in my own struggles with learning to write object-oriented code for the first time. So, I'm deciding that getting Step 10 to work is beyond what can be reasonably expected of me as student at this level. And being an isolated Open Courseware student, I do not have a Lab Assistant to ask for help. I am declaring the Final Project to be "as done as I can make it", and giving myself a Final Project completeness score of 10.5 out of 11, or 95%.