Wednesday, February 12, 2014

On Feb 12, 2014, at 9:42 AM, S wrote:
Hi N & C,

I don't know what the right format for a computer programming learning club is.

But, lacking a format, here are my notes to date:

My first question was, what language? What skills? What context?

E happened to send this link a few days later:

Among other things, their curriculum looks like as good a recommendation for "what to learn" as any.

E also mentioned (not as endorsement, just awareness):

I've been reading _Python for Kids_ and have not found it to be excellent. I'm about half way through, and might or might not finish. I have learned some vocabulary though.

I am now starting _Coders at Work_ and _Eloquent Javascript_, both library books, although the second one is also avail free online.

P made me play CargoBot on her iPad, and that one seemed closer to excellent.

Other highly-recommended entry points have been: - The famous "Hour of Code" place

But my screen time and finances are limited, so for now any learning I do is in paper library books, read in little scraps while chaffeuring P around.

That's my update...