Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Completed: "Exact Change" exercise

Completed the FreeCodeCamp's Advanced Algorithm Scripting "Exact Change" task. Took me less than three hours this time. (If you don't count the fact that my "finished" code very obviously could do with a major refactoring, tons of duplicated code in there, needs to be a loop instead of nine cut-n-pastes...) Still felt like way too long, but at least it wasn't three months.

Did it while attending a local coding meetup, my fourth time there, hopefully a new weekly habit.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Completed: 101 episodes of CodeNewbie

As of Episode 101, I have now listened to all the back episodes of the CodeNewbie podcast by Saron Yitbarek. (I started listening seven months ago.) It's wonderful to have something code-y to listen to while I wash the dishes, and to get the feeling of a sort of virtual conference/convention when I cannot attend any actual ones. Lots of interesting voices talking, transmitting connection and culture.

I plan to go back to the first episode and listen again, this time ideally following up on all the links in the Show Notes too.

I may also be ready to try adding the Bike Shed podcast to my dishwashing regimen. Good background chatter for me to absorb, especially since unlike so many "code newbies" I am not married to a programmer or working (in a non-tech role) alongside developers in the office. The content on Bike Shed is over my head, but not as much as it used to be.

(It's also, like CodeNewbie, talking a lot about Ruby on Rails. I am studying mostly Javascript as I follow the FreeCodeCamp curriculum, and I suspect I may be a Python person at heart. But at my level mostly it's the concepts and culture which are key and transferable, even in the syntax and some of the specific tools and words are not.)

Note to myself, repeated from last January: If I have time maybe I should try some of these too.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Completed: FCCamp "Use the JSON API"

Still very weak on the front end prettiness. But calling it done for now.

Did that really only take me a month? It seemed longer. The previous one took four months. (In scraps of spare time.) Am I getting back on track???

Marissa Mayer book
