Saturday, February 13, 2016

Javascript Calculator - done

Well, I finished the Javascript Calculator project. It was the first thing I've actually built (rather than just being an "airchair" programmer.) And it was fun.

But FCCamp has moved the curriculum sequence around again. Argh. My poor little checkbox brain. I guess I should just get used to it.

Still full of immense gratitide for Saron Yitbarek's Codenewbie podcast. Listening to them all, starting from the oldest ones, at night with the android tablet under my pillow.

Monday, February 8, 2016

misc background reading

Published 2004. But for me
still helpful, as I slowly 
catch up on the world..
During the Semester of Silence, and in other random bits of time, I am continuing to gather little bits of background cultural info.

I notice that all the code-newbie girls who get started "late" (after college) are the wives of professional programmers. In other words they have the cultural aspect already in place when they decided to "learn to code."

My severe cultural disorientation of a couple years ago is slowly fading. But it takes time.

I finally began building the first program of any size this week, the Javascript Calculator exercise. I was amazed to discover my brain going right to where it left off as a child in 1979, trying to design the program around BASIC GOTO statements. But I have now gathered enough background cultural knowledge about design decisions, and words like procedural and functional and object oriented, that I am no longer paralyzed by nameless anxiety caused by questions I cannot even articulate.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Someday if I am lucky I will run out of silly homework and need more. Someday.

Or at least join my kid on
(List at top generated Jan 27 2016 by the good people of DevChix.)

PS 2/8/2016 From a podcast I learn this has a name, apparently...? "Code kata"?