Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Second session at WWC East Bay. Not blazing, but making some progress.

Now tackling: freeCodeCamp "Basic Front End Development Projects (100 hours)"
  •    Build a Personal Portfolio Webpage - Complete
  •    Build a Random Quote Machine - Complete
  •    Build a JavaScript Calculator - Incomplete
  •    Build a Pomodoro Clock - Incomplete
Inspiration: CodeNewbie podcast. I am absolutely starving for this sort of cultural orientation. And non-testosterone-soaked atmosphere too. Thank you Saron Itbarek, you are awesome.

Other bits to look at sometime:

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Women Who Code East Bay at NextSpace!

Suddenly I find myself in a fun study group! At a super easy location!

Floating through the happy chat air:
Back in the saddle at FCC. At least more than zero. (345 Brownie Points, up from 284 in August.) Welcome, January.

Blank semester here.

Well, my life blew up in September. Family etc drama. Other pulls on my soul. So, one semester gone, Sep-Dec 2015, no coding. A little bit of reading books etc, but no hands to the keyboard.