Monday, August 24, 2015


What I have done on FCCamp: 284 Brownie Points (mostly Waypoints)

What I have left to do::

5 basejumps
6 bonfires
28 waypoints
10 ziplines

What does that actually mean?

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Free Code Camp progress?

Apparently the little points I am earning at FFCamp are called "Brownie Points." Hm.

Just to fill in all those new blank checkboxes they added "behind" me, I went back to do anything unchecked in my list ("Map"), and found that many took only a few seconds to do. I am now up to 222 points! Woo! (We won't talk about whether that represents any actual progress or not for now :)

  • Finished reading Joomla 3 Explained (2nd Edition), by Stephen Burge, from Joomla Press. (Published August 7, 2014. Doesn't cover new Joomla 3.4 release.) All the key stuff was in the final chapter. Should I try setting up a Joomla project for practice? Should I focus on Wordpress instead? Or just FCCamp? 
  • Still craving MIT. Tempted by Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python MITx 6.00.1x . Starts Aug 26, 2015. I think it's the same course I took last summer on MIT OpenCourseware, but updated and moved to EdX. So, if it's only a review, maybe not insane to do it simultaneous with FCCamp/javascript? Well...

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Free Code Camp progress bars

Bad news: Jafar Husain's 42-step course in "Functional Programming" was so awfully demotivating I lost momentum after completing about 1/4 of it.

Good news: while I away being demotivated, FCCamp restructured their curriculum again. And Jafar Husain's course vanished.

Bad? news: After the curriculum restructure, I no longer know where I stand on my progress bar. A lot of new tasks have appeared "behind" me, the numbering system has changed again, and I don't know how many total tasks there are from which to calculate my Percent Complete.

May 8 - Aug 18, so three+ months from starting date. The number in the corner of my FCCamp "Portfolio" page now says "183". Out of how many total? Who knows. If I stick with 218, then 84%.

Gotta try and get back in the saddle...

List of over 80 Women in Tech Programs & Events in the Bay Area

Karen Church: A few weeks ago I began a quest to crowdsource a list of women in tech programs and events in the Bay Area and to make the resulting list public for all the benefit. And a couple of days ago I published the resulting list in a Medium article along with details of my quest, my motivations, the crowdsourcing effort I employed, the dataset collected and the analysis I conducted.
Since publishing the article, a couple of people have asked if there is a link to just the resulting list of 80+ events so I figured a separate post with just the final compiled list might be useful. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Free Code Camp progress bars

Free Code CampMay 8 start date, now at almost three months. At scorepoint 179 (out of about 218, so 82%, if all the points are equal-- which I think they are not -- they get longer/harder toward the end). (For example: Item #184, "Waypoint: Practice Functional Programming", is a Jafar Husain's 42-step course they say will take several hours to complete. Earlier items took only 10-30 minutes each.)

Was scared by the Udacity course at first, but once I got started, I felt capable. Now that I've been in it a while, I am bored. Learning without "doing." I liked the Bonfires which felt more like "work" rather than "lessons." Udacity is way better than Codecademy though. Well built, alive-feeling.

  • Have read 68% of Kindle Joomla 3 Explained (2nd Edition), by Stephen Burge, from Joomla Press. (Published August 7, 2014. Doesn't cover new Joomla 3.4 release.) Also slightly boring, but a necessary orientation.

#ILookLikeAnEngineer campaign

Another bit of inspiration this week: the #ILookLikeAnEngineer campaign started by Isis Wenger @isisAnchalee. (A fun followup on June's #distractinglysexy )

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Ada Lovelace, Tim Berners-Lee, Hackerschool Recurse...

Interesting looking organization: Recurse Center (formerly "Hacker School.")

(Sadly, I heard about Recurse in an email today announcing the shutdown of the Ada Initiative.)

Another source of inspiration: just read library book (published 2000, so, old, but Berners-Lee is a UU and a hero of mine) Weaving the Web: The Original Design and Ultimate Destiny of the World Wide Web, by Tim Berners-Lee.

Just watched his 2014 TED Talk, and burst into tears at the end when he gently, but clearly, asks the audience to fight for a Magna Carta for the Web. So UU.