Thursday, July 23, 2015

Free Code Camp progress bars

Free Code Camp: May 8 start date, now at two months + 2 weeks. Finished "Bonfires" section! Now at scorepoint 171 (out of about 218, so 78%, if all the points are equal-- which I think they are not -- they get longer/harder toward the end). Haven't done any "pair programming" though. It's so hard for me to find time alone to concentrate on learning; let alone find that PLUS find time and space where I can chat out loud with someone over the internet about the assignment.

Next step: They want me to take a Udacity course in Object Oriented Javascript. Scary, intense Hack Reactor vibe. Ulp. Where is my warm, fluffy hand-holding?

  • Have read 52% of Kindle Joomla 3 Explained (2nd Edition), by Stephen Burge, from Joomla Press. (Published August 7, 2014. Doesn't cover new Joomla 3.4 release.) 

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Free Code Camp progress bars

Free Code Camp: May 8 start date, now at two months + 1 week. Now at scorepoint 165 (out of about 218, so 75%, if all the points are equal). Getting a little tired of "Bonfires" but definitely learning from the work.


Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Progress bars

Free Code Camp: May 8 start date, almost two months gone. Now at scorepoint 136 (out of about 218, so 62%, if all the points are equal).

Non progressing (or nonlinearly progressing):