Free Code Camp: May 8 start date, almost two months gone. Now at scorepoint 136 (out of about 218, so 62%, if all the points are equal).
- Listening to The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution by Walter Isaacson, at bedtime. Now in the 1980's, GNU, Linux.
- Bought that Kindle copy of Joomla 3 Explained (2nd Edition), by Stephen Burge, from Joomla Press. (Published August 7, 2014. Doesn't cover new Joomla 3.4 release.) Also spent time trying to get public library access to Safari Online books set up. (If I had it working, I wouldn't have needed to pay for the Joomla book.)
- Gave up on the MITx CS6.00 Python class that started June 10. :(
- Irrationally, signed up for MITx Entrepreneurship 101: Who is your customer? I don't have time for it (nor for being an entrepreneur), but it doesn't have any deadlines either.
Non progressing (or nonlinearly progressing):