Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Progress bars

Great gods, it's been a month since the last post. I thought maybe ten days.

Progress bars:
  • Using Drupal, 2nd Edition. Choosing and Configuring Modules to Build Dynamic Websites. By Angela Byron, Addison Berry, Bruno De Bondt. Finished reading, or skimming at least. Need to learn more about web servers, PHP, etc. Back to Michael Hartl.
  • Intro to Ruby nine-hour course. 60% complete 
  • Version Control with Git, 2nd Edition by Jon Loeliger & Matthew McCullough: p 130 of 416. (31%)
  • Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby: An Agile Primer, by Sandi Metz. Read through chapter 6 of 9.
  • Michael Hartl's Ruby on Rails Tutorial: completed chapter 2 of 12.
  • Unity 4.x Game Development by Example Beginner's Guide, by Ryan Henson Creighton.:  69% complete. (No progress since Dec 13-- switched focus.)